Michigan Man with Coronavirus Has Near-Death Experience – Is Saved by Hydroxychloroquine Treatment… Then UNLOADS on Liberal Gov. for Denying Life-Saving Drug to the Sick

Thank you to everyone for your support and prayers while I was extremely ill and hospitalized due to COVID-19! It truly means the world to me. I am continuing to recover and be treated at home. I’m praying all of you, and your families, remain healthy and safe during this challenging time.

As a COVID-19 survivor who is currently recovering, I believe it is important to share my story publicly so others have hope. The sad reality is Michigan’s Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, is failing the people of the state of Michigan. Rather than leading and making good choices that will help our wonderful people during this horrible COVID-19 situation, she continuously chooses to engage in partisan politics. That must end now.

On March 18th, I had a sudden onset of severe respiratory and cardiac issues. I immediately went to the hospital and they did a COVID-19 test. Despite my test being marked as a priority, I did not receive the test results until the evening of March 22nd. While waiting for the test results in the hospital, my breathing continued to worsen as treatment was received. Without having the COVID-19 test results, the wonderful and hard-working doctors basically have their hands tied as certain medications (i.e. steroids, etc.) can potentially make COVID-19 worse. On the morning of March 21st, I was not doing well and it was a major struggle to breathe. Feeling like I was slowly drowning, I honestly believed I would not live to see midnight. The x-ray that morning also showed my condition was worsening, including some collapsing in the lungs. Luckily, the infectious disease physicians decided to try a non-approved, experimental combination (Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin). This is the same treatment President Donald Trump recently mentioned at a press conference and continues to be attacked for. After my first dose, I had a major improvement. My gasping for air stopped, and I was in tears of happiness due to having hope restored. I finally felt I would beat COVID-19 and it was no longer beating me. On March 22nd, I remained about the same. However, March 23rd brought a significant improvement. I continued to recover and was miraculously able to go home on March 24th to continue the treatment.


Article URL : https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/michigan-man-with-coronavirus-has-near-death-experience-is-saved-by-hydroxychloroquine-z-pak-then-unloads-on-liberal-gov-for-denying-life-saving-drug/