Lockdown-Backlash Begins: Angry Crowd Surrounds Capitol, Demands Michigan Governor Reopen Economy

As we have noted, the evolution of the virus pandemic is not just a public health crisis nor a financial meltdown but could transform into a social unraveling. And, oh boy, it appears we could be right.

But before we cover today’s events. Several weeks ago, what piqued our interest was a warning from the Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of how “a social bomb” was ready to explode over major Western cities “in a few weeks.” And it appears, those few weeks have just expired, as protests begin:

On Wednesday afternoon, massive crowds, organized by a conservative group, have surrounded Michigan’s state Capitol building. Protestors are angry at Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) stay-at-home public health order during the pandemic.

Supporters of the Michigan Conservative Coalition have requested Whitmer to reopen the economy on May 1 and ease restrictions to return life to normal.

WWJ Newsradio 950’s Charlie Langton said organizers are calling the movement “Operation Gridlock.” Langton tweeted a video of a traffic jam of protestors that “extends for miles outside Lansing,” waiting to get to the Capitol.

David Adams

Article URL : https://www.zerohedge.com/political/and-it-beings-angry-michiganders-surround-capital-building-demand-governor-reopen-economy?