As a Christian, I imagined the truth declared in school, Sunday School, church, chapel and morning & evening prayer to be the only truth. This was the conventional wisdom I was taught: God created the world, then Mankind sinned and then Jesus…but you know the story.
Since leaving Christianity, I see our Universe differently…this is what I imagine to be so:
1. There may indeed be One Truth, and most spiritual and religious paths are a way towards it.
2. Not a single philosophy or religion has attained the One Truth.
3. All philosophies and religions are fingers, pointing to…just one Moon.
° The journey is to find and travel a path whose arriving-point is the one truth.
° Each person must get there by their own effort, and there may be companions and guides on the way.
° It is not sufficient to imagine one knows the one truth intellectually…it must be experienced.
° The one truth is beyond the capacity of our mind to fully comprehend
° It is probable this truth cannot be put into words
Do you yourself imagine there to be One Truth alone? Do you know what it is?