Those who see the insanity of these policies are left to wonder how many women will be raped before the authorities give up on the transgender ideology.
May 15, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Ever since the transgender phenomenon has gripped the minds of the elites, female inmates in the prison system have been in danger.
A female prisoner in Illinois alleges that a “transgender woman” — a male — raped her in prison. Justin Trudeau’s trans policies have resulted in women being locked up with male sex offenders and killers. In fact, a man who raped, tortured, and murdered a 13-year-old girl decided to identify as a female and get himself transferred to a female prison in Canada. In the U.K., prisoners are reportedly identifying as transgender to get a cushier time in prison. And there are many other examples that could be cited.
Not a single one of the prominent pro-LGBT leaders obediently following the dictates of the LGBT movement has ever addressed any of these crimes, and to even point out that male prisoners are identifying as female to both get out of male prisons and to get locked in with a vulnerable female population is to immediately be condemned as a transphobe. This is the only response left to those who have implemented policies that are an utter failure — and worse, have resulted in women being raped and abused, just as opponents of these policies warned.
In the United Kingdom, authorities are now being forced to reckon with the results of accepting transgender ideology. According to the Daily Mail, “Transgender prisoners have carried out seven sex attacks on women in jail[.] … Official figures show for the first time the true scale of offending by criminals who were born male but were allowed to move into female jails after changing genders [sic]. Yet despite risks, prison governors are still allowing trans inmates to move into the jails. Male-born trans prisoners were first allowed to request a transfer to women’s jails in England and Wales in 2016.”
It is unclear how many female prisoners must suffer at the hands of the male criminals they are locked in with before authorities finally admit the cruelty and insanity of their actions. Within a year of the policy change, a man named David Thompson, who had been convicted of raping several women, sexual offenses involving children, and attacking an elderly neighbor with a knife, got himself sent to a female prison, where he promptly sexually assaulted two female inmates under his new name, Karen White. A judge had sentenced him to life in prison and labeled him a “highly manipulative” predator, but the transgender ideology has made fools of authorities who would otherwise presumably know better.
According to the Mail, Thompson-White was “not a one-off,” and in “response to a Parliamentary question from former Labour Party General Secretary Baroness McDonagh, Ministers have revealed [that] there have been several other sexual assaults by trans prisoners.” In fact, of 124 recorded sexual assaults in female prisoners, 7 of those were perpetrated by “transgender individuals” — males. In other words, the Mail pointed out, transgender inmates are about 1% of the female prison population but are responsible for 5.6% of sexual assaults (that we know of.)
In fact, the Ministry of Justice attempted to hedge their response to questions surrounding their transgender policy, initially declining to mention Karen White among the perpetrators and admitting that they do not know if the transgender predators have been punished, as those records are “not held centrally.” They also claimed that transgender prisoners have not assaulted prison staff, despite former prisons minister Rory Stewart stating in a recent interview that there have been “situations of male prisoners self-identifying as females [and] then raping staff in prison.”
After the Karen White assaults, prison authorities in the U.K. have attempted to revise the policy permitting prisoners identifying as transgender to transfer to account for “specific risk factors that must be considered where they might impact … other prisoners,” but according to the Mail, “figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show increasing numbers of trans prisoners are being allowed to move to women’s jails.” Feminists such as Nicola Williams of Fair Play For Women have highlighted the situation and noted that locking up males identifying as female in women’s prisons is dangerous for women. The authorities cannot accept such criticisms, because their new ideology forces them to say men like David Thompson are actually women, despite all evidence to the contrary (and often the presence of male genitalia, which in days of yore was considered a tip-off as to the sex of the person in question).
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