On Wednesday ESPN’s studio programming, which has become MSESPN’s WokeCenter on steroids 24/7, hit a 41 year ratings low. That is, in the entire history of the network existing, it has never had lower overall studio ratings than it did this week.
The network, which has become more left wing than MSNBC and CNN combined over the past several weeks, has completely abandoned sports coverage. The result? Viewers, many of whom were willing to watch the channel even during a pandemic disaster with limited sports to consume, have abandoned it in droves. How bad was it? We’re talking full on crisis mode level awfulness.
“First Take” was the highest rated ESPN studio show all day, posting just 211,000 viewers. That was the 93rd highest rated program on all of cable. Putting those numbers into context compared to other shows airing the same day on cable: “Nick Cannon Wild and Out 15” on VH1 had 50% more viewers than ESPN’s top show. “Smuggler: Secret Stash” on National Geographic doubled First Take. Not to be outdone, “Craig of the Creek” on the Cartoon Network posted 200,000 more viewers.
Hell, even “Jay Leno’s Garage” on CNBC soundly defeated First Take.
Jay. Leno’s. Garage.
Article URL : https://www.outkickthecoverage.com/espn-hits-all-time-41-year-ratings-low-as-wokecenter-on-steroids-takes-over/