Defense One
July 10, 2020
Only a multinational effort can meet this unprecedented threat, say the authors, who led U.S. troops and international coalitions in the Middle East and Asia.
We cannot isolate ourselves from the impacts of this pandemic in a globally connected world. If America doesn’t lead, others will step into the void who bring a different vision for the world and one that does not reflect our values or our interests.
Confronting COVID-19 and strengthening our global health security is critical for our national security because what happens in other countries will undoubtedly echo back into our own. This will require strong leadership from Washington and resources that look at the challenges around the world that are coming — and coming quickly.
A similar commitment of American leadership is needed now to address the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, an enemy that is global in scale and universal in its disruption. Regrettably, any effort by one nation to deal with this global threat is destined to fall short.
We must ensure that we commit the emergency resources needed by our civilian agencies to meet the growing challenge, and we must mobilize and join our allies in ensuring a global coordinated response. We need to ensure that our collective efforts strengthening weak health systems in fragile states reinforce each other, not compete. We need to ensure not only that we develop a vaccine quickly, but also that we lead a global effort to ensure equitable distribution in lower income countries where the virus will be harder to contain.
This is not only the right thing to do, but it is the smart strategic thing to do and it is in our interest. The disease is a ticking time bomb in an increasing number of countries characterized by massive population growth, food and water shortages, weak health care systems, and inadequate governance, first responder, and security capabilities.
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Bugs Marlowe
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