We need to stop pretending that the group “Black Lives Matter” gives a damn about the lives of black people, police brutality, or anything other than hammering huge corporate checks and electing Democrats. This sham of focusing on a dozen or so instances of unarmed black people killed by police (many of whom had cars as weapons) is an insult to the thousands of black lives snuffed out every year by other black people. If you care about black lives you don’t ignore the pile of bodies that could stretch around the globe, which is exactly what everyone marching, rioting, and dancing in the streets are doing. It’s pretty sick.
It’s a great marketing gimmick – come up with a slogan that is basic, simple, and no one disagrees with it. It’s harder to do than you’d think, people make a lot of money doing it. But for every “Where’s the beef?” there are a million “What beer drinkers drink when they’re not drinking beer.” “Black Lives Matter” is brilliant in its simplicity, which is why it works and why leftists latched onto it. But it’s a fraud.
If black lives mattered to Black Lives Matter, with the kind of resources they’re raking in, the amount of good they could do would be immeasurable. Community watch organizations could be started, diversion programs, education initiatives, and rewards could be offered for information leading to the arrest of any of the murderers of any of the thousands, especially black children, killed in cities across the country.
Of course, they wouldn’t do that because it would involve the police and sending people to jail, and they don’t want the police to exist or anyone in prison. Plus, and this is the main reason, it wouldn’t help Democrats.
These Marxists are getting rich perpetrating the greatest fraud on the American public since Bernie Madoff, only it’s all legal. Titans of industry, professional athletes, some of the most powerful politicians in the country are bowing to these anti-American opportunists and treating them like they’ve really hit on something…mostly because they have. Money.
How much have they raised and where is it going? Who knows? When wrapped in “social justice,” no one seems to care. It’s all conveniently funneled through the Democratic Party’s fundraising apparatus “ActBlue,” so it’s unlikely anyone will bother to ask.
The media is too busy pretending they’re legitimate, that there’s some epidemic of police murders and brutality against black people to even accidentally question anything about the group. Plus, why would they? No one bothered to ask about steroids when an average hitter started belting homeruns after putting on 40 pounds of muscle in the off-season, they were all on the same team.
When Don Lemon insisted Black Lives Matter didn’t say anything about the scores of murdered black people because they were explicitly an organization against police brutality, he was speaking for the entire left-wing establishment. Either they’re ignorant or liars – neither option matters.
The group has involved itself in everything from supporting illegal immigration to denouncing the existence of Israel, the idea that they can’t be bothered to work to prevent murders of the very people their existence claims to care about is simply stupid.
The only explanation is that they don’t care about black lives. Much like when the environmental movement morphed from global cooling to global warming and now the catch-all “climate change,” the “solution” leftists proposed remained the same – bigger government, more regulation, higher taxes, etc. The “movement” of Black Lives Matter is a convenient delivery device for a leftist agenda of wealth redistribution, socialized medicine, prison depopulation, and greater government control.
None of this is by accident, none of it is grassroots. Its leaders are “trained Marxists.” That they would be an appendage of the Democratic Party makes sense. The party that uses school shootings to dust off and market gun control legislation they’ve long wanted, or coronavirus pandemic emergency spending to shovel money to their donors and allies has long showed us who they were. Did anyone really think they wouldn’t use anything they could paint as racist as cover for their socialistic economic agenda?
Democrats need cover for their generations of indifference toward the black community. They have exclusively presided over the destruction of majority black cities, the education of black children, and the disintegration of the black family, not to mention subsidizing and cheering the extermination of millions of black lives in the womb.
Democrats need to convince people they’re the defenders of black lives to distract from how they and their policies have ruined them. But to Democrats, black lives don’t matter. The mob in the street, all those white college girls screaming at black police officers about how they don’t understand this or that about racism, to the people looting and destroying businesses or trying to burn down buildings, they don’t give a single damn about black lives. And “Black Lives Matter”? They care that the checks clear, their merchandise sells, and Democrats win. And all of them hope no one notices the truth before November.
Derek Hunter | Jul 26, 2020