When Prophecies Collide

R&I – FS

This was supposed to be a longer OP but it kept getting deleted so I’ll try to cut to the chase. Jesus likely would’ve been crucified by his feet nailed to the cross, as suggested by some archaeological evidence (not of Jesus’s crucifixion) and artwork portraying the scene. This also allegedly is prophesied by Christian translations of OT verses, notably Gen. 3:15 [Satan “will bruise” the Seed of the Woman’s “heel”] and  Ps. 22:16 [evildoers “pierce my hands and my feet”]). But doesn’t this conflict with another supposed prophecy,  Ps. 34:20 (“He protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken”)?

Question: How can someone’s foot and heel literally be pierced by a metal nail but none of his bones are broken?

