Fox News pushes false narratives about Joe Biden and the Green New Deal 48 times in one week after the first debate

Last week’s first presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden was raucous but largely covered predictable topics, with one exception: Fox News anchor and debate moderator Chris Wallace asked about climate change. The issue was not on the advance list of debate topics and marked the first time since 2008 that climate change was discussed in a presidential debate.

However, Fox News quickly seized on the climate discussion to repeat baseless attacks against the Democratic nominee — beginning immediately after the first presidential debate on September 29 through October 6, Fox pushed false narratives about Biden’s support for the Green New Deal at least 48 times.

The series of questions and exchanges related to the climate crisis, which lasted nearly 11 minutes, touched on Trump’s rejection of climate science and his administration’s rollback of environmental protections, as well as the potential cost of Biden’s climate plan.

On Fox News though, it was the Green New Deal that dominated most discussion about the climate section of the debate — an issue that was pressed by Trump, not Wallace. In the debate,  Biden declared that he didn’t support the Green New Deal and instead favors his own climate plan; in one of his many interruptions, Trump remarked that Biden “just lost the radical left” with that statement. (Trump also falsely claimed that the Green New Deal will cost $100 trillion, a lie that was not pushed back by Wallace.)

In commentary immediately following the debate and in the week since, Fox News heavily pushed Trump’s false narrative that Biden had flip-flopped on his Green New Deal support, and the network also echoed Trump’s claim that this would drive a wedge between progressives and the Biden campaign.  In the end, both of these narratives are false. The hyper-focus on the Green New Deal exchange shows how far Fox will go to carry Trump’s water and how much the network doesn’t want to talk about the reality of the climate crisis. Moreover, this coverage represents a whipsaw of the network’s characterization of Biden from supposedly being a radical socialist to suggesting he is too moderate for progressives.