Why Trump Will Win Again


“The fundamental problem with conservative critics of Trump is their class bias. They don’t understand the working class. Sheltered in their prep schools and Ivy League institutions, their world is one where ideas count, and not much else. They don’t understand the visceral appeal of someone like Trump.”

I explained Trump’s appeal: “Candidness and an intolerance for business as usual.” I then raised a serious question and provided a response. “How is it possible for a billionaire to connect to blue-collar workers but polished politicians cannot? Because Trump speaks their language. He is bold and decisive, and he is not owned by the political class.”

What I wrote drew two laudatory tweets from Trump.

When I said Trump was “bold and decisive,” I was describing the qualities that Americans want in their leaders. Along with the enthusiasm metric, Trump’s strong leadership is why he will win again. There is evidence to support my assessment.

David Adams

Article URL : https://cnsnews.com/commentary/bill-donohue/why-trump-will-win-again