COVID-19 Is Not As Deadly As We Were Told… But Now What?

R&I – FS

In some ways, much of the election became about the handling of Covid-19. One thing we have learned since this monster out of China has spread across the world is that Covid-19 is not nearly as deadly as we once thought. Because of how things were handled in China fear exploded. This resulted in many people getting the image of Covid-19 hitting on the level of the black plague. We were presented with the idea trucks might roll down our streets with loudspeakers blaring, “Bring out your Dead!”.

On March first of this year, I published my fifth article on Covid-19. It seems I was early to the table claiming it had the potential to be a big deal. At the time some of those reading my articles criticized me for writing about a disease that didn’t exist. Like many people, I never would have predicted much of what has unfolded since. Whether it is because Covid-19 has become so politicized or because those in the scientific and medical community simply cannot agree as to the answers, so far many questions about Covid-19 have not been fully addressed.

Back in March, I put forth the following questions stating,” What we really need to know about the corona-virus is how it will affect us as individuals. At the time, the picture presented by governments was sketchy at best. Driven by agendas such as preventing panic and spinning the ramifications to lessen their toll on financial markets made what we were told unreliable. The big issue facing those interested at the time was what to expect and how to prepare. Below is a list of what I saw as the five most five crucial issues before us.

Just how deadly is this thing and what are the odds you will get it?

Are we looking at citywide lock-downs such as those that have been instituted in other countries?

Is it expected to return time and time again and how long before we know?

If I or someone I know appears to start showing symptoms, what is the best course forward?

What are the long and short-term economic consequences of this outbreak?

Covid-19 Is Not As Deadly As Thought

David Adams

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