‘Free Speech’ Social Network Parler Allegedly Censoring #WriteInTrumpforGA

R&I – FS

Social network Parler has allegedly hidden posts on its website that are tagged as #WriteInTrumpForGA. The hashtag is encouraging disgruntled supporters of President Donald Trump to write the president in rather than any candidate for the upcoming Senate Runoff elections.

The hashtag originated in a Super PAC with GOP ties.The Committee for American Sovereignty, connected to political consultant Roger Stone, launched a website calling for people to “Hack the Runoff,” and write in Trump. The website states:

With enough write-ins in the Georgia senate race, we can tilt the balance in Georgia in Trump’s favor! If we can do this, we have a real chance at getting these RINO [Republican In Name Only] senators to act on the illegitimate and corrupt election presided over by a Democrat party that is invested in the Communist takeover of Our Great Nation. We will not stop fighting for you, the American Patriot, against the evils of Socialism and inferior Religions. This is a Christian Nation and will be as long as we fight, together, for our sovereignty.


Article URL : https://www.newsweek.com/parler-censoring-write-trump-ga-hashtag-1549891