‘We failed Adam’: Body camera videos show 13-year-old Adam Toledo put hands up before fatal police shooting in Chicago

The scene at 24th and S. Sawyer in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood Thursday April 15, 2021         Photo credit Jessica Koscielniak, USA TODAY

What police say happened in Adam Toledo’s killing

An officer shot Adam once in the chest after an “armed confrontation” in an alley, police said. Adam died at the scene.

Lightfoot and other city officials have offered various narratives around whether Adam had a gun or not. Earlier this month, Lightfoot suggested Adam was holding a gun, saying “an adult put a gun in a child’s hand.” And on Saturday, prosecutors alleged Adam was holding a gun when the officer shot him.

But on Thursday, a Sarah Sinovic, chief spokeswoman for the Cook County State’s Attorney, said “an attorney who works in this office failed to fully inform himself before speaking in court. Errors like that cannot happen and this has been addressed with the individual involved. The video speaks for itself.”

Also Thursday,Lightfoot’s phrasing changed, and she said Adam was “a child who was in contact with an adult who had a gun.” Asked whether Adam shot at an officer, she said: “I’ve seen no evidence whatsoever that Adam Toledo shot at the police.”

A case incident report identified the officer who fired the shot as 10th district patrol officer Eric Stillman. The officer, a 34-year-old white man, has been a Chicago police officer since August 2015, according to the report.

Three complaints and four use of force reports have been filed against Stillman between 2017 and mid-2020, according to the Invisible Institute, which records police interactions with the public. Among the allegations filed by citizens were two that claimed improper searches of cars, and use-of-force violations. However, information on the disposition of those cases is unclear from the records.

Romancan be seen onsurveillance video firing the rounds that brought police to the scene before he and Adam fled. As Roman was arrested, another officer chased Adam.

On Saturday, Roman was held on a $150,000 bond and faces felony charges of unlawful use and reckless discharge of a firearm, as well as child endangerment and violating probation.



Navy Vet

Article URL : https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/04/15/adam-toledo-shooting-video-chicago-body-cam-video-released/7217787002/