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Former President Donald Trump accused Attorney General William Barr of being a “phony” when Barr refused to back his claims of election fraud, according to the book, “Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency,” by Michael Wolff.
In the weeks after he lost the 2020 election, Trump grew steadily more enraged with Barr, who had been on the chopping block for months.
“Why won’t Barr investigate the fraud … and the machines?” Trump ranted at his aides, according to the book, an early copy of which was obtained by Insider.
Trump also appeared to acknowledge at one point that he had lost the election to Joe Biden, saying, “If I had won … Barr would have licked the floor if I asked him to. What a phony!”
“We have to get rid of Barr,” Trump reportedly told advisors including Jared Kushner, Mark Meadows, Pat Cipollone, and Eric Herschmann. “There’s no coming back from this. Who can we put in there?”
Near the end of Trump’s presidency, Rosen grew so concerned by Trump and his aides’ continued demands to investigate bogus fraud claims that he contemporaneously documented some of those requests. Law enforcement and intelligence officials use contemporaneous memos to detail their knowledge of significant or legally dubious interactions.
Trump, for his part, continues to insist that he was the rightful winner of the election. But nonpartisan election experts and cybersecurity officials have determined that, contrary to Trump’s claims, the 2020 election was the safest and most secure in US history.
He defended the book, however, and said he stood by his reporting. He also said “Landslide” featured only episodes that Trump’s staff had confirmed or that were backed up by multiple sources.
Article URL : https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-barr-phony-would-lick-the-floor-if-asked-book-2021-7?utm_source=reddit.com