Louisiana Man ‘Bored With Traffic’ Jumps Off 100ft Bridge Into Alligator Infested-Water, Barely Survives, Gets Arrested

“As soon as my fingertips came off that side, I was like, ‘Oh my God, this was the stupidest idea.'”

Ever been so bored in traffic you nearly died? This guy did.

Frustrated with a traffic jam in his native Louisiana, Jimmy Ivan Jennings leapt off a 100ft bridge into alligator-infested water — and it was all captured on video.

The 13-second clip, recorded by a friend (of questionable dependability), shows the 26-year-old running from the gridlock, vaulting over the rail, and free-falling for approximately eternity, before hitting the surface of the water with a sickening smack:

The Lafayette resident told NY Daily News he’d been sitting in his car on Atchafalaya Basin Bridge for two hours after a ten-vehicle collision brought traffic to a standstill. He told his pal Khory Vaughan he was going to jump into the river, swim to shore and get picked up at the next exit. But that’s not quite how it went.

“We were bored inside the truck… I looked down (at the water), and it didn’t seem too far,” he told the site.

“As soon as my fingertips came off that side, I was like, ‘Oh my god, this was the stupidest idea.'”

“Once I hit the water, my mouth busted open and I hurt my left arm. I tried to swim to the shore, but the current was too strong.”

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