Jesus & Buddha: Pointing To The Same Moon

R&I – TxPAT ***

Father = Advaita

aka “the ground of being”

Jesus and Siddhartha Meditate

Like Gautama, Yeshua becomes aware of <i>advaita</i>, a natural state, where Ego no longer mediates our view on common, everyday reality.
(perhaps, in the desert for Yeshua; and at the foot of the bodhi-tree for Gautama)

Yeshua, like Gautama then lives from this perceived reality.

What Truth Lies Under Gospel Fantasy?

The gospels are a palimpsest, with a truth written underneath…

…yet clouded by the primates* who struggled after to make sense of how Yeshua expressed that-which-he-has-perceived.

Just as those who followed Gautama struggled to put into words the Buddha’s deep insight.

Church officials and committees working to force-fit the gospels to their own understanding, and missing entirely the truth in Yeshua’s teachings…while welding retroactively the N.T. to the O.T.

With Paul running a cable from Original Sin to Yeshua’s supposed dying for humanity’s sins…the conjoining of narratives in O.T. and N.T…by Paul, as he recounts in his Letters.

Virgin Birth A Fiction

And the fabrication of a woman conceiving as a virgin, the Holy Spirit i.e. the deification of an aspect of mammalian biology.

Promise of Eternal Life Rests On A Dreamed Resurrection

Anonymous authors of the gospels layer-in a fantasy around Yeshua’s dead body coming back to life. The story enhanced along the way by tales from the wheel of the rumor-mill.

Would it not be neat, though, to seek to perceive the Moon as Yeshua and Siddhartha may have perceived it?


  1. Do you wonder at both Yeshua spending time in the desert alone, tempted by Satan…and Siddartha Gautama sitting alone under the bodhi-tree, tempted by Mara?
  2. In your mind, are both Satan and Mara representations of the desires our bodies and minds present us with?
  3. For you…how important to Christianity is the promise of eternal life for an imagined soul? Is it foundational?
  4. What is represented to you by the word “soul”?

* both meanings: i} Church officials e g. bishops, anonymous authors, committees etc. ii} And also Humans more broadly, passing stories along to others.
