Gun-toting religious organization buys East Tennessee property

R&I – FS

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) – A gun-centric religious group known for its politically-charged commentary and use of AR-15s in ceremonies has purchased a 130-acre property in Grainger County to serve as a retreat center.

Rod of Iron Ministries, also known as World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, is a Second Amendment-focused church preparing to lead a hypothetical nation dedicated to becoming the new Kingdom of God. The Rod of Iron website likens AR-15 assault rifles to the rod of iron mentioned in the Bible and uses them in worship and religious ceremonies.

“As coheirs with Christ (Romans 8:17), we are to love God and love our neighbor through protecting God’s Kingdom with the Rod of Iron,” the website’s about page reads.

Rod of Iron Ministries was founded by Hyung Jin Sean Moon, who calls himself the “Second King,” and provides hours-long daily broadcasts on spirituality and politics while wearing a crown made of bullets. According to the Rod of Iron Ministries website, Hyung Jin Sean Moon is the son of Sun Myung Moon, who is the founder of his own church, the Unification of World Christianity Church, also known as the controversial Unification Church.

Joe M RN

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