Cue the BATSH*T CRAZY! Here’s a bunch of blue-check Lefties losing their ever-loving MINDS over Rittenhouse verdict

Lefties are handling the Rittenhouse verdict about as well as you’d expect … ROFL.

Within MOMENTS of the verdict, Amerikkka, White Privilege, Disgusted, The Purge, No Justice No Peace, etc. started trending on Twitter. To be fair, we knew it would happen (we’ve known for days if Kyle was found innocent Twitter would likely implode) but the number of blue-checks who either didn’t watch the trial or clearly had no idea what happened was surprising to even us.


We went through and grabbed a few (there are thousands more):


Again, we’re starting to think these people did not watch the trial.

Kyle is white.

The two guys who tried to beat him to death were white.