FrontPage Magazine’s Man of the Year – Kyle Rittenhouse

In the dying days of August, radical racist mobs converged on Kenosha to loot and burn. The damage inflicted on the Wisconsin city by the Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters was estimated at $50 million, but a number with lots of zeros behind it can’t even begin to capture the shattered dreams of small business owners and the trauma inflicted on the people there.

A year later the damage still lingers. The Black Lives Matter rioters claimed that they were acting in the name of racial justice, but some of the worst damage was inflicted on businesses in the Uptown neighborhood where many of the city’s minorities live and where the destructive fires set by the rioters, committing literal and metaphorical arson, burned out of control.

After all this time it’s still impossible to speak honestly about the riots that destroyed so much. Even the term itself is off limits with the media and tech gatekeepers insisting on “unrest” to avoid the “negative connotations” associated with calling a race riot by its proper name.

Democrats, their media, and the nation’s biggest corporations put their weight behind the riots. Within a few months, Black Lives Matter, a Marxist racial supremacist movement, had become the national dogma. Reporters stood with a background of burning buildings in Kenosha and would insist on camera, as CNN did, that the protests behind the fires were “mostly peaceful”.