Biden’s failed blitz on ‘voting rights’ – Americans aren’t buying Dems’ false claims

Biden and Harris’ divisive and condescending claims about election laws have zero basis in fact

With Democrats in control of the House of Representatives, Senate and White House for nearly a year, Americans have suffered through crisis after crisis: inflation at its highest level in 40 years, rampant crime devastating cities across the nation, a complete embarrassment on the world stage with the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, illegal immigrants crashing the southern border with impunity, the loss of America’s energy independence, and the list goes on.

It’s clear that everything these radical big government socialists touch ends in disaster – and now they’re putting “voting rights” legislation front and center. Instead of allowing free and fair elections, D.C. Democrats are trying to change the rules for their own political benefit. Make no mistake, this continued façade to federalize America’s elections is not about voter integrity, it is about control.

President Biden and Vice President Harris parachuted into Georgia last week to deliver an inaccurate and inflammatory voting rights speech. Their divisive and condescending claims have zero basis in fact and are nothing more than politically driven rhetoric meant to mislead the public – but Georgians aren’t buying it.

Biden and his far-Left cronies in Congress are weaponizing our election process with the same nonsense and overreaching legislation they attempted to pass multiple times over the past few years. All Democrats really want is a safe Democrat stronghold – and this is how they’re trying to get it.

The American people aren’t falling for Democrats’ trap, and it’s time for them to address the real and urgent crises created by this administration that are plaguing Americans every single day.