Patrick Baker, convicted of murder after Bevin pardoned him, gets nearly 40-year sentence

R&I NV — LONDON, Ky. — Patrick Baker, who was pardoned by Gov. Matt Bevin for killing a man during a drug transaction, will now serve 39½ years in prison on his federal conviction for murder.

Saying he had committed a heinous crime, U.S. District Judge Claria Horn Boom imposed a penalty that will make Baker 83 years old when he is eligible for release.

There is no parole in the federal system, though Baker, 43, could earn 54 days a year for good behavior.

Handcuffed in a tan jail jumpsuit, Baker lowered his head when Boom pronounced the sentence but showed no outward emotion.

He declined to address the court; one of his lawyers, Rob Eggert, said he maintains his innocence and could not express remorse because he plans to appeal.

The lone sibling of Baker’s victim, Donald Mills, told a reporter she had hoped for a longer sentence, but “I’ll take this.”

Presenting a victim impact statement, Melinda Mills burst into tears as she talked about the effect of her brother’s death on his widow and three children — including a daughter, now 7, who was born after he was killed and never got to meet him.

“My family is forever broken,” she said. Turning towards Baker, she said: “May God have mercy on your soul. He is the final judge in the end.”


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