Texas GOP Candidate For Governor Won’t Fire Staffer With Deep White Nationalist Ties

R&I – FS

A Republican candidate for governor of Texas says he will not fire a prominent white nationalist activist from his staff, despite extensive evidence of the staffer’s past leadership role in a deeply racist and anti-Semitic group.

Don Huffines, a former Texas state senator and one of three Republicans running in a primary against Texas Gov. Greg Abbot, told HuffPost on Tuesday that his campaign will “not participate in cancel culture” by severing ties with Jake Lloyd Colglazier, who once declared that the white “race is dying.”

So, what used to be considered common decency is now “cancel culture” to the GOP. Totally unsurprising.

David Eisemann

Article URL : https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jake-colglazier-don-huffines-white-nationalist-texas_n_61e85e95e4b01f707dabb37c