Rick Wilson Paints Picture Of What Happens Next If GOP Wins

And it all boils down to “bye bye, democracy.”

He started by commenting on Newt Gingrich’s threats that Democrats face jail for the Jan. 6th investigation if Republicans take control:

“He’s right. He’s just saying the quiet part out loud. We’ve been warning you all along that this election isn’t about BBB or prescription drugs or guns or climate or anything else in the policy domain. It’s about the emergent authoritarian state shambling its way toward the end of small-d democratic politics.

“Speaker Jordan (and no, Kevin, he didn’t take your deal and he is going to shank you) and the MAGAe will comprise a clear majority of the GOP caucus in 2022 and they are Trump’s political vergeltungswaffe. They don’t care about policy. They care about power.

“On the first day of the new GOP’s reign, the impeachment of Joe Biden begins. The endless Benghazi 2.0 investigations begin. Expect weeks to TV on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Expect endless hearings on the BLM and the imaginary Antifa threat.
