La, la, la, can’t hear you: How the liberal media outlets that relentlessly pushed ‘Russian collusion’ smear have totally ignored Durham’s revelation that Hillary SPIED on Trump. CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, NBC and CBS all pass

  • The former president accused the mainstream media of hypocrisy for their lack of coverage on allegations detailed by Special Counsel John Durham
  • Durham said in a filing that Clinton’s election team paid a tech firm to infiltrate Trump Tower and White House servers in an effort to establish Kremlin link
  • Trump suggested on Monday that he would be executed if the same allegations were levied against him rather than a Democratic candidate
  • found no links or references to the latest revelations by John Durham on the mainstream sites mentioned by Trump
  • Many of them had wall-to-wall coverage of the now-discredited Steele dossier 

CNN’s top story on Monday was about pro-Trump lawyer John Eastman handing thousands of documents over to the House Capitol riot committee


The mainstream media is under fire again for ignoring the bombshell claims Hillary Clinton’s campaign spied on Donald Trump while he was President – while they show no hesitation in heavy coverage of the now-debunked Steele dossier and allegations he was colluding with Russia, found no links or references to the latest revelations by Special Counsel John Durham in his probe into the origins of the Russia investigation on the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS.

The story has even been picked up global news organizations, including The Times of London, but has seen little in comparison to the wall-to-wall coverage of the Democrat-funded opposition research used as a basis for the FBI to surveil Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

The authenticity of the Steele dossier crumbled when Russian-born analyst Igor Y. Danchenko was arrested and indicted in November for lying about his contact with a Bill and Hillary Clinton crony, who supplied some of the information.

Even on Monday, days after the alleged scandal broke, CNN’s top story on its digital site was about pro-Trump lawyer John Eastman handing nearly 8,000 documents over to the House committee investigating the Capitol riot.