Russia Collusion Hoaxer Jake Sullivan Can’t Be Trusted To Evaluate Threats After Fabricating Them For Political Gain

Americans can’t trust a liar like Jake Sullivan to be honest about the threats facing the nation when he’s guilty of fabricating them.

New filings from Special Counsel John Durham on Friday revealed that Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyers paid a tech company to “infiltrate” servers at Trump Tower and access private information that could be used against the Republican candidate by the Democrats, corporate press, and even the federal government.

In a scandal “bigger than Watergate,” Clinton’s Democrat, anti-Trump cronies took the information garnered through covert mining and orchestrated the lie that then-presidential candidate Donald Trump was secretly communicating with the Russian Alfa Bank. This lie was peddled to federal law enforcement agencies such as the FBI by Clinton’s allies as further justification to formally spy on Trump and his campaign.


Several Democrat operatives were involved in the operation to undermine Trump, including Michael Sussmann, who was recently indicted for lying to the FBI about his role in the Russian collusion hoax, and Marc Elias, who has preoccupied himself with meddling in more elections. While Sussmann and especially Elias remain loyal to Clinton and refuse to budge over her scandalous attempts to secure the presidency, other prominent Clinton allies have moved on to the Biden administration.

President Joe Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan was another key player in promoting the Russian collusion hoax, and he should be fired for scamming Americans on Clinton’s behalf.

Sullivan, then-senior policy adviser to Hillary for America, boosted the Alfa Bank allegations with hopes that Clinton would win the 2016 election.