Continued violence: A history of Democrats vs. Black Americans

The violent crime plaguing the Democrat-controlled Black communities is nothing new.  For over two hundred years, violence has been a mechanism of control wielded against Black Americans by Democrat party leadership.  It is a historical fact that the Democrat party was the party of slavery, secession, segregation, and now socialism.  And whether it was the whip, the branding iron, rape, castration, or murder, they have always applied violence as the primary tool to compel Black obedience.  But it is put into maximum overdrive whenever White Democrat leadership feel that their Blacks are getting a little too uppity.

A century ago, before Antifa and BLM, it was the KKK that were the shock troops of the Democrats.

According to a November 1, 2020 article by Patrice Oniwuka in USA Today, in 2019, President Donald Trump had “[l]ifted median Black household incomes to their highest levels on record and pushed Black unemployment rates and poverty down to their lowest levels.”  It looked as though Donald Trump would win the 2020 election in a landslide and take a sizable chunk of the impenetrable Democrat Black vote with him.  That could not be allowed.

Democrats know they cannot survive without 90% of the Black vote, and if they lose it, even for one year, they’ll never get it back.  So they went to DEFCON 1, unleashing Black Lives Matters and Antifa in the ghettos of the Black inner-city with one order: burn it down!  With a mandate to ensure that the Black middle class never rises again.

This insidious crime wave in the Black ghettos is part of that continuous effort designed by the Democrat party leadership to keep Black Americans cowed, subjugated, defeated, controlled, and voting 90% for the Democrat party. Democrats consistently boast about their belief in science, especially psychology. This approach of wielding violence as a tool of control is purely psychological with a predetermined end.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is an idea in psychology that says that people are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to other more advanced needs. These needs encompass five stages: physiological (food water breathing), security (financial, health, safety), social (friendships, romantic family), esteem (appreciation respect), and self-actualization (self-awareness, concerned with personal growth, less concerned with the opinions of others and interested in fulfilling their potential).

According to Maslow, self-actualization is described as the full use and exploitation of talents, capabilities, potentialities, etc. Such people seem to be fulfilling themselves and doing the best that they can do. Internally, self-actualization is the primary goal of every human being. People that achieve self-actualization exercise their freedom. The Democrat party leadership can never allow Black Americans to achieve it.

By perpetually shackling Black Americans to #2 (security needs) for over two hundred years, the Democrat party has condemned Black Americans to live in an endless death spiral of fear, sabotaging every effort toward self-actualization. The Democrat party leadership retains its power by creating an environment where Black Democrats eternally must fight for survival, never graduating from the state of extreme paranoia regarding safety, finances, health, and bodily harm.