We’re Not Ready

I don’t think it’s too hyperbolic to say that we’re dangerously close to another world war. Russia is invading Ukraine and practically daring us to interfere. China’s salivating over Taiwan has never been more noticeable.

But even more noticeable is the weakness being projected by the United States of America as events unfold. President Joe Biden is a lesser leader who has been displaying incompetence well before he was ever elected. He belongs to a party that has been coopted by radicalized ideologues who deny basic reality and embrace totalitarianism. With the help of authorities and abuse of state institutions, these radicals wage war on their fellow countrymen, destroying their lives and ruining entire communities.

But if there’s one thing these radicals have created, it’s the idea that weakness is good. Over-reliances of emotion and focus on skin-deep identities and the politics of identity are what matters most. It’s an idea that spread like a virus and it helped bring about the soft men that create hard times.

This softness spread everywhere, including into our own military where it culminated in one the largest signals that our nation had gone soft one had ever seen, and it was seen in a simple commercial advertising our armed forces. Identity politics are front and center.

Leaders like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping see all of this. They’re watching us, and I don’t mean the military. They’re monitoring the status of the American people, our feelings, our likes and dislikes, our cultural preferences, and the state of our national morale.

What they see is a country at war with itself from the top down. Our media keeps us at each other’s throats as activist groups fan the flames and reap the rewards. We’re a nation with an identity crisis from the individual to the federal. Our ideological divide is so wide that when the pendulum swings it does so to radical heights, but the end result is that we’ve never been less willing to do what’s necessary to protect ourselves in general.

Our national debt is unsustainable and our leaders are doing everything in their power to make it worse. They’re more concerned about identitarianism than making common-sense decisions. They work to disarm us from both our firearms and our ability to express ourselves.

Our predominant culture is woke culture and all the weaknesses it brings with it. We live in fear of upsetting each other’s sensibilities. We’re far more concerned about destroying each other than fighting off those who would see us shattered.

So of course Putin invaded Ukraine. Of course China is flying its aircraft into Taiwanese airspace. Why wouldn’t they? They’ve never been better positioned to do so.