GOP lawmaker wants asylum for Canadian truckers but attacks Afghan refugees

Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-NM) co-authored a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Friday raising concerns about the vetting of Afghan refugees, claiming that resettling those fleeing the Taliban could pose a security risk to the United States. The same day, she filed a bill to allow special refugee status for a lawless group of Canadian anti-vaccine truckers.

They cited a recent report by the Defense Department inspector general examining the screening process used for displaced people coming from Afghanistan to note that, as of November, the National Ground Intelligence Center “had identified 50 Afghan personnel in the United States with information in DoD records that would indicate potentially significant security concerns.”

That number represents a tiny fraction of the more than 76,000 Afghan people evacuated by President Joe Biden’s administration since August, when the United States withdrew military forces from Afghanistan and the Taliban seized control.

But while Herrell is very concerned about the less than 0.1% of Afghan refugees who may be deemed a security threat, she seems to have no such worries about the convoy of lawbreaking truckers from Canada.