Call Out Pro-Putin Republicans For The Fascists They Are

Today Senate Republicans, led by the likes of Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Mike Lee and Rand Paul, are threatening to derail crucial aid for Ukraine– when every hour counts to stop Putin’s onslaught. It’s time to call them out before they start a chorus of, “Tomorrow Belongs to Me!” (from Cabaret)

This morning, Frank Schaeffer told me that “Evangelical Americans like Franklin Graham heralded Putin as a miracle defender of Christianity. It is Ukrainian Christians whom he is now slaughtering. Evil is the right word when leaders like Graham and Putin use religion to justify in God’s name invasion and annihilation. American evangelicals love Putin because he said ‘We see many countries rejecting their roots including Christian values that constitute the basis of western civilization… denying the moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and sexual.’ Putin is insistent young Russians start going back to church. He wore a cross and said he had been secretly baptized by his mother in the USSR. Putin is a global leader of White Christian Nationalists. Like Hitler with the Lutherans he co-opted U.S. evangelical support.”