Ex-GOP Candidate Lauren Witzke ‘Fully Supports’ Arranged Marriages, Dowries

Approved ~ Primus Pilus

Former Delaware Republican Senate candidate Lauren Witzke said that she “fully supports” arranged marriages and dowries and took a hit at feminism.

“Here’s the deal with arranged marriages is that your parents want what’s best for you. So if you let your parents choose for you, they’re absolutely going to choose the best,” she said while she was interviewing Jared Noble, a far-right livestreamer who is known as “Woozuh.”

“I fully support arranged marriages [and] parents having a say and choosing the family that you choose to bond yourself with, I fully support that. I think that’s great,” she added.

Her remarks came after she asked Noble about his thoughts on arranged marriages as she stated that “we should bring back” dowries—money or goods paid to the bride’s family upon marriage.


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Article URL : https://www.newsweek.com/ex-gop-lauren-witzke-supports-arranged-marriages-1689150