Obama White House Doctor: Biden Having ‘Cognitive Issues’ Is A ‘National Security Issue’

“The whole country is seeing his mental cognitive issues on display for over a year now, and there’s really no question in most people’s minds that there’s something going on with him, that he’s not cognitively the same as he used to be and, in my mind, not fit to be our president right now,” Jackson said during an interview.

“Every time he gets up and talks to the American people, it’s not just the American people that are watching him speak, it’s the whole world, and that’s part of what the problem is here,” Jackson also said. “He looks tired, he looks weak, he looks confused, he’s incoherent, and it sends a message of weakness all over the world, and they’re seizing up on that,” he added.

“He’s got 40 years of tape, you can go back and look at this man, so it’s not like we don’t have anything to compare it to,” Jackson said. “You can go back and look, he’s always made gaffes, he’s always made missteps, but never like this. This is something different. These aren’t gaffes…. This is something much more serious.”

Jackson said that Biden’s mental fitness for office, or a lack thereof, “was on full display during the debacle in Afghanistan” and that it could “get more Americans killed” and “ultimately get us in a war because of his lack of leadership.”