Shipping generates more CO2 than aviation. This solar-powered boat could change that


For his first few days at sea on the MS Porrima, Gunter Pauli was stunned by the silence aboard his solar-powered ship.
“When you have no engine running, there’s silence. There’s a real sense of awe and resilience, and you have a lot of time on your hands to reflect,” the Belgian entrepreneur and economist said in a phone interview. “There’s a clear feeling of, ‘Oh my God, I’m vulnerable — I better use what I have carefully.'”
Using limited resources effectively is the core philosophy underpinning the Porrima, a concept boat centered on environmental research, which aims to show how sustainable technology could revolutionize the shipping industry.

Maritime transport drives over 80% of global trade, but it disrupts marine ecosystems, contributes to ocean acidification and accounts for more CO2 emissions than aviation each year.

Pauli believes that design features on board the 118-foot-long, 79-foot-wide ship are just as important as green energy production when it comes to promoting Porrima’s environmental message.


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