Hispanics are abandoning Biden in droves. Here’s why

Poll after poll shows President Biden losing support from every demographic in the book. Quinnipiac University has the 46th president at 33 percent approval overall, or just 9 points higher than President Nixon had on the day he resigned from office.

But perhaps the most disturbing number for Team Biden comes when looking at his stunning fall among Hispanics, a hugely important voting bloc that went to him to the tune of 61 percent.

In the Quinnipiac poll released this week, Biden receives just 26 percent approval. Upon entering office, FiveThirtyEight.com had Biden at 69 percent approval, so we’re talking a 43-percentage point drop in the span of 15 months. And just 12 percent of Hispanics “approve strongly” of Biden’sperformance as president, while 54 percent “disapprove strongly” or “disapprove somewhat.”

For Democrats, these are keep-you-up-at-night numbers. Because Latinos are the country’s largest minority voting bloc.

Pandering to Latinos in the most obvious and phony ways possible ain’t helping, either.
