Jeanine Pirro, Whose Campaign Owed $600,000 in Unpaid Bills for More Than a Decade, Demands Student Borrowers Pay Their Bills

“Let me just finally say this,” she said. “This asinine ‘I wanna pay off student debt’ is an insult to the senior citizens, to the people who pay taxes, to people who decide, you know, ‘Do I wanna buy meat this week or pay for my medicine?’ That’s hogwash. You’ve got so many jobs, you’ve got a great economy? Let ’em work and pay off their bills – just the way all of us do. That’s the end of it.”

Pirro pointed to herself when saying “just the way all of us do.”

Ironically, her 2006 U.S. Senate campaign still owed $600,000 to 20 vendors as of 2019.

The Fox News host’s campaign had tried to dissolve, but the Federal Elections Commission said it must pay its outstanding debts in order to so do.

“The failure to timely file a complete report may result in civil money penalties, an audit or legal enforcement action,” an FEC letter from 2019 stated. “The civil money penalty calculation for late reports does not include a grace period and begins on the day following the due date for the report.”