Pearson Sharp: “If you still don’t see it, here’s the bottom line. The 2020 election was just a trial run. Democrats on the left now have a blueprint, a template to successfully engineer every election.”
So, to summarize, the same secretary of state who served up Georgia’s elections to Beijing Biden in 2020 has now selected a new company based in India with no history of managing elections to transition the state’s voter registration database to another company based in California, also with no experience handling elections, and which works with organizations that have actually been caught engaging in voter fraud and is also run by a radical leftist with close ties to the most extreme left-wing activists in the world.
If you still don’t see it, here’s the bottom line. The 2020 election was just a trial run. Democrats on the left now have a blueprint, a template to successfully engineer every election from here on out, and the people we thought we put in charge to stop them, the so-called Republicans, like Brad Raffensperger, are handing our elections to them on a silver platter.
Donald Trump was right; if we don’t stand up and put an end to this kind of blatant election rigging right now, it won’t matter who you vote for in the midterms because the people in charge will have already decided for you.