Reject Democrats, They’re the Party of Killing Babies in Abortions Up to Birth

This past Wednesday, 49 Senate Democrats voted for the deceptively-named Women’s Health Protection Act. This radical bill would essentially legalize abortion on demand and up to the moment of birth by overturning widely popular state laws on abortion, stripping away protections for religious convictions, and repealing bans on sex-selective abortions.

Thankfully, this vote is mere political theater.

Democrats don’t have the support they need to send the bill to Joe Biden’s desk, but the fact that they’re even pushing such an outrageous abortion agenda shows just how out of touch and step they are with the majority Americans.

Polling consistently shows that most Americans are in favor of limits on abortion.

More than half of voters support banning abortions after 15 weeks according to a recent Fox News poll. The survey also found that 50% of voters would support abortion bans after six weeks of pregnancy. An Associated Press (AP) poll found that 80% of Americans believe abortions in the third trimester should generally be prohibited.

Much of the change in public opinion is thanks to advances in science and technology.

We now know that by 15 weeks, unborn babies can suck their thumbs, feel pain, and react to stimuli. The baby’s heart has been beating for 10 weeks and can potentially survive outside the womb after just eight more weeks.

But none of this matters to Democrats, who can’t bring themselves to say what abortion limits they support — if any. Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams recently revealed that she supports no limits for abortion.

In Arizona, Democrat candidate for governor Katie Hobbs left no ambiguity on her abortion stance, tweeting “F**k the patriarchy” and directing supporters to donate to “defend the right to choose.”