The Fox host focused her Tuesday night show on the Uvalde shooting and the warning signs from the shooter who killed 19 children and 2 adults at Robb Elementary School. As Ingraham discussed the commonalities between mass shootings in the United States, she made the point that “a dysfunctional home life where drugs are easily accessible puts too many young people on a highway to Hell these days.”
Diverting from the current national conversation about gun control, Ingraham continued to stress that “pot use, especially among teens, can trigger psychosis and increase the chance that the young person will develop violent behaviors.” She kept on this argument by referencing sources like anti-vax Covid-truther Alex Berenson, plus the Association of Mature American Citizens, a conservative organization with a study that argues weed has been connected to multiple shootings in the last few years.
Former RNC Chair Michael Steele, who is a contributor at Fox News competitor MSNBC, ridiculed Ingraham via Twitter late Tuesday night:
Umm, @IngrahamAngle “violence”? What kinda sh*t you smoke’? Pass out, maybe. Hungry, absolutely. Happy, always. To quote Kat Williams “That's the side effects: hungry, happy, sleepy. That's it.” Well researched my bag of chips.
— Michael Steele (@MichaelSteele) June 1, 2022