Approved ~ MJM
It’s never easy being the President of the United States. From start to finish it’s just a hard job. But few people in living memory have had as hard a go at it as President Joseph R. Biden, who’s just really struggling right now:

Should Biden Run in 2024? Democratic Whispers of ‘No’ Start to Rise.
In interviews, dozens of frustrated Democratic officials, members of Congress and voters expressed doubts about the president’s ability to rescue his reeling party and take the fight to Republicans.
As the challenges facing the nation mount and fatigued base voters show low enthusiasm, Democrats in union meetings, the back rooms of Capitol Hill and party gatherings from coast to coast are quietly worrying about Mr. Biden’s leadership, his age and his capability to take the fight to former President Donald J. Trump a second time.
Interviews with nearly 50 Democratic officials, from county leaders to members of Congress, as well as with disappointed voters who backed Mr. Biden in 2020, reveal a party alarmed about Republicans’ rising strength and extraordinarily pessimistic about an immediate path forward.
It’s…it’s hard to watch.

I mean look, yes, the Democrats elected an obviously past-his-prime and arguably declining elderly man to one of the most demanding jobs on the planet, and yes, Joe Biden’s two primary fronts to the American people consist of either incompetence or naked contempt of Americans themselves, and YES it looks like he’s blundering his party into one of the most comprehensive drubbings in American electoral history.