The Bureau of Labor Statistics says Americans spent more on taxes last year than food, clothing, and healthcare COMBINED

Here’s your regular reminder that taxation is theft, the government wastes trillions of dollars a year, and YOU are suffering because of it.

That’s right. Uncle Sam takes more of your money than you spend on food and clothing.

You know, the basics for survival.

From CNS News:

According to newly released data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans in 2021 once again spent more on average on taxes than they did on food, clothing and health care combined.

During 2021, according to Table R-1 in the BLS’ Consumer Expenditure Survey, American “consumer units” spent an average of $15,495.28 on food, clothing and health care combined, while paying an average of $16,729.73 in total taxes to federal, state and local governments.

This is absolutely ridiculous.

Especially as we are now in a recession and Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck and taking on debt to buy food.

How can the government justify taking SO MUCH of your money and giving you so little in return?

Swamp’s gonna Swamp.


Approved ~ MJM