The Left Is Losing What’s Left of Its Collective Mind

When speaking about liberals and their groupthink, never pluralize the word “mind.” There is only one mind and they all use it. You don’t see worker ants or bees thinking independently for themselves, no matter how many animated movies tell you otherwise. Democrats are the same way – a thought had by one is had by all and vice-versa. Unfortunately for the world, that collective mind is slipping away faster than we thought.

The President of the United States is senile. Watch video of him from just a few years ago and you’ll see someone with energy and awareness. You won’t see a smart man telling the truth – while Biden is going senile now, he’s been stupid his whole life – and you won’t see a man who tells the truth, as he’s been a fabulist since birth too. But now he’s senile on top of it. He’s also a pervert. Credibly accused of sexual assault (rape, really) by former Senate staffer Tara Reade, Biden has a long history of groping, touching, kissing and even smelling women and little girls. There is video after video of this creep pulling women in for a kiss or a whiff against their will, most have confused looks on their faces, not having seen a man act this way outside of an episode of Mad Men. But there he is, inappropriately touching them in full view of everyone and cameras. And there were no consequences.


As long as Democrats have monopolistic control over the education system, they’ll be able to churn out obedient drones at an alarming pace. Haven’t you ever wondered by the people who while about the “school to prison pipeline” only talk about shutting down the prison part, but never talk about reforming the school part? If some school systems are doing such a horrible job that they’re feeding kids directly to the prison system, shouldn’t you stop that, rather than just letting violent people out of prison?

The left would have to care about individuals, victims of crime, to act to prevent them. They don’t. Will all of them out there, not a one has tried to do anything about it. Sure, they lie about caring in campaign speeches, but what have they done? Nothing.


R&I – edited for length – TxPAT