New York Times story on puberty blockers fuels critics amid trans debate: ‘Decade late on this story’

The New York Times is facing blow back from across the political spectrum over its report delving into the potential consequences of puberty blockers, which has some critics slamming the paper for finally acknowledging the concerns there are on the long-term effects they have on children while others are accusing the Times of transphobia.

“They Paused Puberty, but Is There a Cost?” the Times asked in its headline. “Puberty blockers can ease transgender youths’ anguish and buy time to weigh options. But concerns are growing about long-term physical effects and other consequences.”

The Times reported, “As the number of adolescents who identify as transgender grows, drugs known as puberty blockers have become the first line of intervention for the youngest ones seeking medical treatment. Their use is typically framed as a safe — and reversible — way to buy time to weigh a medical transition and avoid the anguish of growing into a body that feels wrong… But as an increasing number of adolescents identify as transgender — in the United States, an estimated 300,000 ages 13 to 17 and an untold number who are younger — concerns are growing among some medical professionals about the consequences of the drugs, a New York Times examination found.”



Thurston Howell III

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