Huge Development in Kari Lake’s Election Lawsuit

“We’ve had three whistleblowers from Maricopa County reach out and say the system is seriously flawed,” Lake told Just the News on Monday. “They were throwing out tens of thousands of signatures saying they were scribbles that in no way matched. But somewhere between there, the ballots were being completely tossed out and they got looped back into the system and counted as if they were fine.”

Lake also noted that 25,000 “additional ballots and early voting ballots were discovered two days after Election Day.”

They “just showed up,” she observed. “It shows the whole system has serious problems.”

“We believe that up to 135,000 ballots were pushed through that should not have been pushed through,” Lake continued. “We’re asking a judge to let us take a look at all of the envelopes and compare signatures, so that we can find out for sure how many bad, fraudulent ballots got through in that way, of basically cheating or breaking the rules.”

Lake issued the following statement at the conclusion of today’s statement:

Lake has promised to fight this battle aggressively and “take it all the way to the Supreme Court” if necessary.