Jan. 6 committee reveals Paul Gosar was texting with ‘Stop the Steal’ group while locked down in Capitol

On Wednesday, transcripts released by the House Select Committee on January 6 revealed, in an interview transcript with Donald Trump ally Alexander Bruesewitz, that far-right Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), an ardent ally of the former president, texted with a “Stop the Steal” group while he was locked down in the Capitol.

“Can we pull up exhibit 9 again which is the Stop the Steal DM chat, and let’s go to page 62,” said investigators in the transcript. “So we’re still on January 6, and it looks like at 5:15 p.m. eastern time. Again, Representative Gosar sends the group a direct message that says, ‘We’re still on lockdown in the congressional office.’ And he sends it to the entire Stop the Steal group. So were you in communications with Representative Gosar throughout January 6th?”

“I respectfully plead the Fifth,” replied Bruesewitz.

Last year, reporting revealed that Gosar, a committed election conspiracy theorist, also told perpetrators of the January 6 attack that they could receive a blanket pardon from Trump if he reclaims the presidency.


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Article URL : https://www.rawstory.com/paul-gosar-2658997666/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter