Why Do Woke, Left-Wingers Want You Eating Bugs and Owning Nothing? Here’s Why…

The inhuman left is to the point where they are admitting that they want every human to live in guttural poverty, owning no home or car, and eating bugs to survive. But why are they such haters of humanity?

If you want a good explanation, you can’t get better than the one recently supplied by Twitter user Alaric the Barbarian, who is part of an effort to correct the bias in academia.

Alaric was sparked to reply when he saw the left’s latest anti-modernity campaign of forcing people to live in tiny pod apartments so that we weren’t using fossil fuels to “heat a whole home.” This idea is being called “heating people, not spaces.”

Basically, it is leftists patting themselves on the backs for being “smart” about energy, but it is really an effort to take belongings away from people, and to force them to live like paupers.

Alaric had the perfect was to define why the left advocates for these sort of hateful things.

Take a look: