Trump’s 2024 litmus test is worse than cruelty

 2018, as President Donald Trump was separating children from their parents and mocking victims of sexual assault, The Atlantic’s Adam Serwer wrote, “The Cruelty is the Point.”

“We can hear the spectacle of cruel laughter throughout the Trump era,” he wrote.

But cruelty is no longer enough. As he seeks a return to power in 2024, Trump has already pivoted to brutality, and there is nothing subtle about it.

For Trump, this is hardly a new theme. His enthusiasm for violence — including tortureextra-judicial murder and shooting both migrants and protesters — has been a consistent feature of his politics for years.

As Serwer noted, Trump has long cultivated cruelty as a political weapon. But he has not confined his cruelty to mere rhetoric. Indeed, the “pro-life” former president makes no secret of his passion for actual violence — including the maiming, wounding, flesh-tearing, shooting and killing of human beings.

And this appetite for brutality will soon become a litmus test for right-wing politicians, including any of his GOP challengers.

Speaking to supporters at Mar-a-Lago in November, Trump threatened that, as president, he would send the military into American cities, even if local officials objected, and repeatedly stressed his eagerness for executing drug dealers and human traffickers after quick, summary trials…

Trump’s 2024 litmus test is worse than cruelty (