The “horror movie-inspired performance,” as Variety described it, set conservatives off on Twitter, many of whom lamented the song and the performance was “promoting Satan.”
It wasn’t long after the performance ended, though, that conservative Twitter blew up with outrage. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) declared the performance “evil.”
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 6, 2023
It's not surprising to see a satanic ritual at the Grammy's. Satanism is the worship of the self. Much of modern pop music is satanic in this sense. Leftism is satanism. The only change is that now they're being more explicit about it.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 6, 2023
This satan worship act & Madonna dressed like a nazi prison guard is actually really corny and pathetic.
— Lidia Curanaj (@LidiaNews) February 6, 2023
Satan comes in many forms and usually where you least suspect it.