Estranged wife of trans double rapist says she is ‘delighted’ Nicola Sturgeon has quit saying her gender reforms ‘went too far’

The estranged wife of transgender rapist Isla Bryson has today expressed her ‘delight’ at the news that Nicola Sturgeon has quit over the SNP’s controversial Gender Recognition Reform bill.

‘She shot herself in the foot over and over again, and I’m delighted she’s gone,’ said Shonna Graham, who is still married to the serial sex attacker once known as Adam Graham, who decided to identify as a woman by the name of Isla Bryson after being accused of rape. I’m all in favour of transgender rights, but this policy went too far and ended up putting a rapist, who still had all his bits, in a woman’s prison,’ said mother-of-one Shonna, 31.

The infamous Bryson case last month exposed a flaw at the heart of the SNP policy, which would allow anyone over 16 to ‘self-identify’ as the opposite sex without needing medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

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