Faith leaders speak out against ‘toxic’ Christian nationalist conference arriving at Trump’s Miami resort

‘Christians across the country are sick of seeing our faith hijacked and abused’ 

A far-right Christian nationalist campaign amplifying conspiracy theories and political violence in a message wrapped in biblical prophecy has arrived at one of Donald Trump’s signature properties.

The ReAwaken America Tour has launched a three-day event at Trump National Doral Miami resort this weekend, featuring far-right personalities and Trump-supporting pastors for a conference that draws from tent-revival preaching and trafficks in far-right conspiracy theories and antidemocratic attacks.

The tour, created by Covid-19 conspiracy theorist Clay Clark and supported by one-time Trump administration official and prominent QAnon figure Michael Flynn, has held more than 20 conferences in more than a dozen states over the last two years. The events often draw from or are hosted by megachurches with large congregations.

In that same time, a coalition of Christian leaders with Faithful America, Christians Against Christian Nationalism and Faith in Public Life Action have warned their congregations about the dangers posed by ReAwaken events and the broader threats to faith communities and democracy from Christian nationalist campaigns.