‘Anti-Racism’ is Code Language for Racism Against Whites

Those who seek to express honest views on race are labeled racists if they are white, or Uncle Toms, if they are black. So, Americans today are afraid to discuss the issue of race amidst political correctness and the cancel culture. Most people simply keep quiet. One author who has elected to express honest views is Ed Brodow. His forthcoming book, The War on Whites: How Hating White People Became the New National Sport, aims to set the record straight about hot potato issues such as systemic racism, white supremacy, and diversity.

In The War on Whites Brodow Dunmasks the “anti-white racial inquisition that is poisoning America.” While we’re accustomed to defining racism as discrimination aimed exclusively at black people, Brodow expands the notion to encompass discrimination against whites, which he says is just as onerous as discrimination against blacks or anyone else. What the Left calls “anti-racism” is today’s code language for racism against white people. Trashing whites, he says, has become a too-frequent part of American life.

Demonized at Every Turn

Brodow explains how whites, Christians and Jews foremost among them, are being demonized, marginalized, stereotyped, denigrated, and suppressed at every turn. “We have reached the point where legions of people dislike whites,” he observes. “It’s not only people of color. Even white people dislike white people. It’s open season on whites and, as strange as it might seem, large segments of the white population are all for it.” Too many gullible whites are ashamed to be white and apologize at every turn.

The War on Whites exposes the insidious reality of diversity ‘training.’ This popular type of training is now a multi-billion-dollar industry. It fails, however, to create more diversity, Brodow notes. They are all about racial indoctrination, not racial sensitivity. Their actual purpose is to suppress white people. Training sponsored by the City of Seattle and the Coca-Cola Company are typical of programs that demand white employees “undo their whiteness.”

The media do not report this, yet, if black people were required to “undo their blackness,” he says, riots would ensue.

Invented Myths

Citing the opinions of leading black thinkers – Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Bob Woodson, Candace Owens, Larry Elder, and John McWhorter – the author offers a convincing argument that systemic racism and white privilege are myths invented to demonize whites and foment racial division. “Systemic racism no longer exists in the United States,” he says. “Individual instances of racism are occurring and always will occur, against both blacks and whites, but to suggest that racism is institutionalized ignores the progress of the past 60 years.”