Republican Cowards Complain About Getting Owned By Biden In Debt Limit Deal But Won’t Bring Motion To Vacate

House Republicans are realizing that Kevin McCarthy got owned by Biden on the debt limit deal, but they won’t bring a motion to vacate to dump McCarthy.

For example, here is Rep. Lauren Boebert

Eliminating $1.8 billion for Biden’s new army of IRS agents is great until you realize that Democrats appropriated $80 billion for them. As I’ve said since the draft agreement came out, this is NOT a win for the American people!

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) went on Fox to whine about the deal:

Republicans are the only ones who can bring fiscal sanity to Congress. This “deal” with the White House fails to uphold that responsibility.

However, not a single one of the House Republicans has filed a motion to vacate against McCarthy, which leads to two conclusions.

First, the Republicans knew that the debt limit bill that they passed had no chance of ever becoming law. Second, House Republicans were scared to default. Republicans have been talking tough for weeks about how they were not afraid of default and didn’t believe it was real.

Republican Cowards Complain About Getting Owned By Biden In Debt Limit Deal But Won’t Bring Motion To Vacate (